Eucharistic Ministers
The principal role of the Eucharistic Minister is to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to take Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound. This latter can be in their own homes, in Care Homes and in the hospital.
When Mass cannot be celebrated, a Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion can be led by a Eucharistic Minister following the readings for the mass or the principal feast of the day.
Two readers are required at all weekend masses and on Holy Days and one reader at all other times, This important ministry is open to all ages, our most recent readers coming from those who have recently made their First Holy Communion.
The reading is done on a rota basis and those who undertake this ministry consider it a joy and a privilege.
We have music at all of our Masses and other celebrations, both live and recorded. Over the last eighteen months, we have been developing a singing group within the Parish and it is hoped to develop this further.
In 2013, many members of our congregation and those of other churches across the Local Pastoral Area performed a musical, Born for This, which became the Runcorn Passion in the local shopping area on Holy Saturday, which proved to be an excellent way of evangelising within our community.
In the Autumn of 2015, we took part in another musical production, Tales of Wonder, at St. Chad’s with children from Primary Schools across the town and the High School.
However, music still continues to be a very important part of the Mass.
We have a team of altar servers at each of our churches. Those who serve at the weekend Masses are from the schools within the Parish. They are there to assist the Priest throughout the Mass and must have an understanding of the Liturgy.
For weekday Masses, we usually have an adult member of the congregation.
Our Welcomers are an important part of Saint Maximilian Kolbe parish; at both our Churches we have members of our congregation at the church entrances to help support and guide the visitors to our parish and new and returning congregation. The Welcomers are there to ensure everyone can enjoy the mass and have everything they require to be able to take part fully.
One of our Welcomers said the following:
” I arrive at the church early so that I can sort the books out. I make sure that the parishioners have a prayer book, a hymn book with the new translation card inside and a newsletter.
I welcome everyone with a smile especially the little ones and I always get a thank you. I enjoy doing it”
We encourage any members of our parish to become part of the welcoming team and aim to ensure that everyone who enters one of our churches it met with a smile, a warm welcome and can feel comfortable with being part of our parish family.