Formation Group

Adult Formation

Adult Formation takes place on Monday evenings in the Presbytery. The group meet and further their knowledge and understanding of the Sunday readings, the church seasons and what we believe.


Throughout the year, especially during Advent and Lent, there are opportunities to explore prayer and spirituality in different forms. Please check the newsletter for upcoming events.

Prayer Group

The Prayer Group meet every Thursday evening for one hour to praise God, read the Scriptures,  pray for personal needs, the intentions of others and the needs of the world.

ALL ARE WELCOME to join them in this Prayer Ministry.


The Ragheed group organise film nights throughout the year. Please check the newsletter for upcoming dates.

Book Stall

We have a wide variety of books available, for children and adults, to help you understand parts of the Mass or to help you grow in your own faith. Why not have a look next time you are at Mass?


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