Prayer Line
If you would like us to pray for a special intention please feel free to call or text our prayer line on
07443 639416.
Calls will go through to voicemail so please leave the message clearly. Messages are not replied to but they are forwarded on and prayed for at Mass.
Mission Statement
The Catholic Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe is committed to enabling each parishioner to encounter Jesus, love Jesus and desire to share the Good news of Jesus as we work for the Kingdom of God.
Online giving to the Parish
For those Parishioners who normally give in the collection at Mass and wish to help the Parish at this time, an online donation page to allow you to donate to the Parish website.
If you wish to donate to the Parish then Click Here.
Please be aware that a minimum donation of £5 is requested if giving in this way.
You can also Gift Aid your donation to help the Parish further.
If you want to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the box shown on the screen even if you have previously completed a Gift Aid Declaration form in favour of the Parish for regular giving made by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order.
Thank you for your support.