
Thank you to the Catenians Liverpool, Circle 4 who have made a donation to the Parish to help our young people go to Flame 2019.

Thank you to a parishioner who painted this outstanding tribute to mark 100 years since the Armistice

Yesterday (Sunday 30th September 2018) we welcomed Freddie into God’s family through baptism – his Mum was so happy she shared this with us on our Facebook page

On Sunday 8th July we celebrated (a day early) Fr. Peter’s 30th Ordination Anniversary with a BBQ. It was a great celebration enjoyed by all. Congratulations Fr. Peter!

Well done to our Faith in Action Group who cycled 16 miles today (10th June) to raise money for Aid to the Church In Need as they help to rebuild the Nineveh Plains.

On 3rd June we had our Corpus Christi Procession with some of our First Communicants. It was lovely to see them again and the ice-cream celebration went down well too!

On 2nd June we had a day Pilgrimage to St. Mary’s in Brewood. We celebrated Mass and after lunch went to visit the Anglican Church too. A good day was had by all!

Our Faith in Action group, plus a few extras, worked hard to prepare the meadow area in the car park so that it is ready for planting! Well done everyone!

Family Quiz Night

Fun quiz night for all the family! Proceeds to the Faith in Action Group
Tickets on sale on the night and after Mass
Adult £4 Child (under 12) £2 includes hotpot supper, bring your own drinks

Passover Meal Friday 23rd March 2018

The Passover meal will be taking place on Friday 23rd March 7 pm for 7:30 pm at St. Edwards. The cost is £10 for adults £3.50 for children under 12, this includes a 3-course meal and wine or juice/water – if you prefer please bring your own liquid refreshments. A non-refundable deposit of £5 is […]

St Patricks Night

On Friday 13th March we will be celebrating St Patricks night in style with a two course meal and dancing, Tickets cost £10 for adults and £3 for children or you can buy a family ticket for £22 (2 adults & 2 children) – Bring your own drinks

Feast Day of St. Maximilian Kolbe

To celebrate the new parish of St. Maximilian Kolbe there will be a mass of celebration on his feast day at The Holy Spirit Church, Mass will be followed by refreshments, cheese and biscuits, dont forget to bring your own drink.

Tapas Evening

The return of the popular Tapas evening, with some good food, and excellent demonstration by our very own Fr. Peter, click on this page to see pictures

St Patricks Night

On Friday 13th March we will be celebrating St Patricks night in style with a two course meal and dancing, Tickets cost £10 for adults and £3 for children or you can buy a family ticket for £22 (2 adults & 2 children) – Bring your own drinks