Pastoral Care Group

Home Visits

If you would like a home visit please contact Fr. Peter who will make necessary arrangements.


SVP/Mini Vinnies

The SVP (St Vincent de Paul) mission continues within our parish by seeking out and finding God’s poor and helping them as best as we can.

The SVP meet biweekly to strengthen our Vincentian spirituality, grow in friendship and conduct matters of business. Our core work is weekly visits to the sick, housebound and lonely.

Our Mini Vinnies our run through our local primary schools and run by the same principles as the SVP.


First Friday Group

The First Friday group are made up of our elderly and housebound parishioners who are brought to church by a group of volunteers on the first Friday of each month (except August), where they share the Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion.

After the Liturgy, there is an opportunity to socialise, enjoy refreshments and celebrate birthdays and occasions, also on occasion day trips or theatre trips are organised, volunteers and our elderly and housebound are most welcome.


Bereavement Support

A small group is available to provide practical support to bereaved families, in addition, it provides someone to be a sympathetic listener, to be available with help and to provide support in prayer.

An Annual mass of remembrance is held in November along with intentions being said at most masses.


Tots & Carers

This group meets every Tuesday morning to enable parents, tots and carers to come together to enjoy play, creativity, chat and fun – all in a prayerful atmosphere.

There are toys, a craft table, dressing up clothes, games, books and willing helpers to encourage interaction and to stimulate imaginations.

With refreshments available it’s a great place for adults and tots to come and enjoy themselves.



After Sunday morning Masses tea/coffee, juice and biscuits are available in the hall so you can sit down, chat and make new friends. We are always on the lookout for more volunteers to help out too!


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