Posts by Louise

St Edwards Church 60th Anniversary

St Edwards Church will be the big 60 on 13.10.16 and we are doing lots to celebrate. From 13th to 16th October we will be holding a flower festival where the church will be decorated for all to admire. On Thursday 13th October the actual anniversary we will be holding a celebration mass for all at […]

Runcorn Foodbanks

  Please contine to donate groceries to support local people in dire need. At the moment the foodbank is particularly low on the following items: UHT Milk, Fruit Juice (cordial), Sugar, Biscuits, Coffee, Tinned sponge pudding, Tinned tomatoes, Tinned meat and fish, Toiletries and toilet roll. Thank you for any support you can give  


This week two ladies retire after many years service within our parish. Christine Smith retires from her post as head teacher of The Holy Spirit School and Sister Teresa leaves her role looking after families on behalf of the catholic children’s society. We wish them both every happiness in their retirement and ask you to […]